WorkShop With Vidya Vivek

Top Fashion Designing Course Bangalore

Vidya Vivek Photo Vidya Fashion Academy

Vidya Vivek

CEO & Founder
Fashion Designer

080 41614045

Mrs. Vidya Vivek is One Of The Famous Fashion Designers In Bangalore, who has twenty years of experience in the Fashion Designing world, has brought genuine experience and effectiveness to the education system developed and grown together with fashion’s development. The institute offers an advanced system of research and in the meantime confirms each year, the introduction of our outgoing students in the fashion design Industry.

Fashion was her passion right since exceptionally youthful age when she enrolled herself for the diploma course in Fashion Design instead of paying a fee for the medicinal course & She is Top Fashion Designers In Bangalore. In those years she left no stone every possibility to take in each conceivable new thing available.

After the completion, she began taking individual requests and this experience sharpened her pattern making and design skills, Her will power and her help from her husband took her to a next level when she finished MSc in Apparel Technology, MA in Sociology, and Masters in TR Ph.D. Apparel Design, great adjusting her personal and study life Vidya Vivek bagged an honor as Apparel Technologist from Dr. Abdul Kalam in the year 2008. Vidya Vivek has been the main Indian to be in the top 10 & Famous Fashion designers competing far and wide at TR cutting school; Milan. Also, today she directs the TR-Cutting School-India under the Guidance of Shingo Sato.